About RN

Ranjan Nagarkatte

More than 21 Years of Product Sales & Training Experience with Expertise in LIC Domain, Ranjan Nagarkatte has Pioneered Concept Selling in Insurance Domain. Post Graduate from Pune University in Computer Management. Ranjan Nagarkatte is a Very Popular Trainer in Insurance Domain.

Innovating and Developing Sales Strategies has never stopped Ranjan Nagarkatte to follow his Passion of Training. With almost 21 Years experience as a Trainer in Insurance Domain, He has delivered around 3500 sessions on various Platforms. He is the only Trainer who has spoken in Investor Meets & Insurance Literacy Meetings in companies on behalf of agents in India & Abroad. His Mentoring has helped many advisors to get big premium policies.

He done Celebrity & HNI Canvassing. His all topics are about Selling Insurance through Concept selling.

Known for his Innovative ideas in Sales, He took up the challenge as CEO of Instrasoft Solutions and introduced the company in to the Insurance Segment with Multiple Products.

The Flagship Product Brand Xpress, Insurance Xpress, CRM Xpress and Websites for LIC Agents and Development Officer under his leadership has become one of the Most Popular Product in LIC Domain.